
Virtual Postgraduate Open Days

Written By

Think Postgrad

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a virtual open day?
  • What should I expect on a virtual open day?
  • Where to find postgraduate open days?

Your guide to postgraduate virtual open days

If you can't attend a physical open day, or you're just starting to think about postgraduate study and you aren't yet sure which Universities to visit, a virtual open day can be a great way of starting to find out about the places you may want to study in. They are really good if you are based overseas and cant get to the campus in person.

Check when postgraduate virtual open days are taking place

Virtual open days are advertised in advance, just like 'real' open days, and expect you to pre-register. They are likely to ask you your subject area and some other details. This will help ensure that they have the right range of people available at the virtual event. Remember to follow the social media channels for a number of Universities so you can get advance notice that they are happening.

What will happen?

Virtual Open Days can vary so have a good look at the programme in advance. You can dip in and dip out, attending the sessions that are most useful to you. Most will include a range of pre-recorded video material from both staff and students, blogs and 'live' sections. You can ask questions and interact, either over video or via live chats. Sign up for individual timed sessions, and check these out in advance.

Pre-recorded sessions

Pre-recorded sessions could include everything from videos of students and staff to taster sessions or sample lectures. These are usually accessible throughout the virtual open day for you to access whenever you want to. If they are linked to a live chat session they will go live for part of the event. Research these in advance if you want to see something.

Live Sessions

The live sessions are video or chat pop ups. You can hear and see what others say, or ask your own questions. When you do, remember that other students will be listening and watching. These sessions will cover a range of issues, and other students will ask questions you find useful as well.

One to one opportunities

If you do want to talk one to one but aren't able to do so at the virtual open day, you should at least be able to find out how you can do that in future - whether by phone or Skype if you want to talk to a member of staff, or by email if you want to talk to a current student on your course - many universities offer this type of service.

Virtual Tours

Many Universities also offer virtual tours to help you get a sense of the facilities - these start to give you an idea of the physical environment, and in particular what is available to postgraduates - if they have particular postgraduate spaces these are likely to be included in the tour.

Ideally, a virtual open day will give you enough information to decide whether you want to visit the University in person, and how to talk one to one to staff and students after the event. Although it can't really replace a face to face visit, it can give you a valuable starting point or enough information to decide on if you aren't in a position to visit yourself.

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