  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc Full-time: One year; Part-time: Two years.

Masters Degree Description

The MSc in Applied Clinical Psychology has been specifically designed to develop your knowledge, understanding and skills in core theoretical, methodological, and empirical areas of clinical psychology. This programme is aimed at graduates who wish to strengthen their academic credentials in preparation for a career in clinical psychology and is taught by academics/research experts in their field, HCPC Registered Psychologists, clinicians across a wide range of specialities, and service users and/or carers. You will also have the opportunity to undertake and be assisted in finding a clinically relevant placement.

With one day of teaching (Tuesdays), delivery is designed to support those with full-time jobs or family commitments, and full-time (one year) and part-time (two years) study options are available.

Entry Requirements

Essential Criteria

You should have a minimum of an Upper Second class honours degree in psychology recognised by the British Psychological Society as conferring Graduate Basis for Chartership (GBC: or an equivalent International professional body). The reason for restricting entry to those with GBC is that the course is intended as a gateway to a doctoral training programme in clinical psychology, for which GBC is required. If you have a Lower Second Class honours degree in Psychology you may be considered for a place on the course providing you can demonstrate strengths in both Research Methods and Statistics, and clinical psychology or related subject areas.

A minimum IELTS score of 6.5 or equivalent qualifications.

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Student Destinations

The course aims to foster the development of key skills that will facilitate further academic and vocational training and subsequent employment. Through the skills and knowledge developed during the course, you will strengthen your CV and applications for Assistant Psychologist posts within the NHS, or further competitive doctoral training in clinical psychology (DClinPsy, or ClinPsyD). This MSc course does not provide any guarantee that upon its completion you will be successful in securing these posts and is not BPS accredited. However, the course has been especially designed so that you acquire knowledge and skills in key areas of clinical psychology.

Module Details

  • Clinical Psychology across the Lifespan
  • Professional Issues and Practice in Clinical Psychology
  • Clinical Skills
  • Specialist application of clinical psychology (includes Clinical Neuropsychology, Clinical Psychology in Forensic and Health settings, and a placement opportunity)
  • Advanced Clinical Psychology Project
  • Clinical Research Design and Processes
  • Research Methods and Statistics for Clinical Psychologists

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