
Design Innovation and Environmental Design MDes

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MDes: 12 months full-time

Masters Degree Description

This one-year taught Postgraduate programme in Innovation & Environmental Design focuses on the study of ‘place’. It considers the material geography and the relationship and interactions of a community within a particular landscape or location.

It aims to identify opportunities for change and innovation through the application of design methodologies and thinking, to use design practice as a means to understand and explore the human and material factors that shape an environment.

Using empirical research processes, the material and the human contexts that influence ‘place’ will be explored through the application of design strategies and user-centered methodologies.  By working within communities the cultural and commercial histories that have shaped individual and group identity can be better understood and used to affect positive change in the physical environment and how a community interacts with a particular landscape or place.

The process is aimed at engaging students in collaborative design practices and to nuance individual skills and expertise within a multi-disciplinary group context. It seeks to equip students with the tools and processes essential in responding to the needs of particular demographics and environments.

Entry Requirements

Bachelors Honours Degree or equivalent.

6.0 4 IELTS score required on entry.

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Scotland/EU/UK: £5,760. International: £13,534

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