The Quantum Technologies MSc will take students to the cutting-edge of research in the emerging area of quantum technologies, giving them not only an advanced training in the relevant physics but also the chance to acquire key skills in the engineering and information sciences.
Students learn the language and techniques of advanced quantum mechanics, quantum information theory and quantum computation, as well as state-of-the-art implementation with condensed matter and quantum optical systems.
Who this course is for
Applicants have typically taken coursework which covers the pre-requisite topics listed in the Advanced Quantum Theory course.
Sometimes students from non-physics backgrounds (computer science, engineering, mathematics) who have done exceptionally well in their course, are able to demonstrate proficiency in quantum theory in other ways, in which case this should be fully documented.
A minimum of an upper second-class Bachelor’s degree from a UK university or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard in physics, engineering, mathematics, computer science or a related subject, with evidence of familiarity with basic quantum mechanics.
For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more
UCL offers a range of financial awards aimed at assisting both prospective and current students with their studies.
Graduates will possess the skills needed to work in the emerging quantum industries as they develop in response to technological advances.
The programme prepares graduates for careers in the emerging quantum technology industries which play an increasingly important role in: secure communication; sensing and metrology; the simulation of other quantum systems; and ultimately in general-purpose quantum computation. Graduates will also be well prepared for research at the highest level in the numerous groups now developing quantum technologies and for work in government laboratories.
Compulsory modules
Optional modules
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