  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    PGCE Full-time 1 year

Masters Degree Description

If you have a passion for the English language and the exploration of ideas through all forms of written and verbal media, and wish to communicate your enthusiasm with young people, this course will prepare you to do this effectively. The aim of the course is to develop reflective teachers who care about pupils’ language development and who understand how to ensure progression in pupils’ written, reading, and oral skills so that they develop into skilled and critical readers, writers, and speakers. You will be encouraged to develop effective and inspirational practical teaching skills underpinned by a sound grasp of theoretical concepts. As a trainee you will learn how to teach English Language and Literature to pupils in the 11–16 age range within the secondary age phase, with additional primary and post-16 enhancements. You will learn how to develop skills, knowledge and understanding for teaching English Language and Literature through a combination of university-led and school-led training.

Entry Requirements

You will have to possess a real interest and aptitude for language and an ability to think creatively about presenting the subject to others. On the course, trainee teachers will be expected to teach English topics such as: the study of novels, plays and poetry; study and teach texts from the English Literary Heritage as well as texts from twentieth/twenty-first centuries; learn how to manage group and class discussions; integrate drama and media into English teaching as well as study these topics in their own right. Above all, you will need a real commitment to the education of young people and an interest in their language development.  Also you will need:

  • To hold a first degree of a United Kingdom higher education institution or equivalent qualification.

For example Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of science (BSc) etc. or similar . They are sometimes known as ‘undergraduate’ or ‘first‘ degrees.

  • To have achieved a standard equivalent to a grade 4 (previously Grade C) in the GCSE examinations in English and Mathematics.
  • To have taken part in a rigorous selection process designed to assess your readiness to train to teach, which will include as a minimum both an interview and audit of your subject knowledge.

Please note we do NOT accept GCSE Short CoursesGCSE English Literature, GCSE Equivalent Tests from other institutions or organisations, Key Skills Level 2 or Functional Skills Level 2.

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