  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    PGCE Full-time 1 year

Masters Degree Description

Our Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) in Secondary Education provides a high standard of training for those preparing to take up a teaching post in the secondary school sector.  The course complies with the statutory guidance from the Department for Education for Initial Teacher Training courses.

The PGCE in Secondary Education is specifically designed to ensure that those who are successful will be recommended for the award of Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) - the professional award required by all those who wish to teach in a maintained school.

If you have an interest in all aspects of science; but in particular the physical sciences associated with forces, energy, electrical effects and enjoy investigating this in a practical setting, then our physics course will suit you. Our course looks at the key ideas which underpin the teaching of science in schools today and the way children's understanding of concepts develops. As a trainee you will learn how to teach physics to pupils in the 11-16 age range within the secondary age phase, with additional primary and post-16 enhancements. You will learn how to develop skills, knowledge and understanding for teaching physics through a combination of university-led and school-led training.

Entry Requirements

You will have interest in all aspects of science along with a particular aptitude for physics, along with an ability to think creatively about presenting the subject to others in original and practical ways. Candidates will be expected to teach the whole science curriculum, but with a particular focus on physical processes. Above all, you will need a real commitment to the education of young people. Also you will need:

  • To hold a first degree of a United Kingdom higher education institution or equivalent qualification.

For example Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of science (BSc) etc. or similar . They are sometimes known as ‘undergraduate’ or ‘first‘ degrees.

  • To have achieved a standard equivalent to a grade 4 (previously Grade C) in the GCSE examinations in English and Mathematics.
  • To have taken part in a rigorous selection process designed to assess your readiness to train to teach, which will include as a minimum both an interview and audit of your subject knowledge.

Please note we do NOT accept GCSE Short CoursesGCSE English Literature, GCSE Equivalent Tests from other institutions or organisations, Key Skills Level 2 or Functional Skills Level 2.

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