
MA Translation and AI (Chinese Pathway)

  • DeadlineStudy Details: MA 1 year full-time

Masters Degree Description

February start

This new practice-orientated MA pathway follows the success of our MA Interpreting Chinese Pathway (established in 2011) and builds on the distinguished history of our MA Translation programme, launched in 1986. 

You will benefit from a professionally relevant, skills-focused curriculum, offering an attractive combination of translation practice, responsible use of technology and intercultural training. 

Why choose this course?

  • This unique course is taught in collaboration with KL Communications Ltd, a UK-based company specialising in translation and interpreting, whose managing director, Dr Kevin Lin OBE, is the Lead Interpreter (Chinese) for the UK government’s Foreign Office, a successful business leader and experienced trainer.
  • Focusing on recent global and technological trends, with special emphasis on China’s emergence as a major global power, the pathway will empower you to address the communication needs of this market.
  • You will develop problem-solving, analytical thinking, digital and language transfer skills, required in the rapidly evolving landscape of the Language Services Industries, working flexibly in both the English-into-Chinese and the Chinese-into-English direction.

Entry Requirements

Degree (2:2 and above) in an arts, humanities or social science (e.g. economics, management, tourism and hospitality management) subject. Alternative subjects will be considered by the Faculty on a case-by-case basis.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Programme Funding

We’re committed to making sure that we offer support for students who might need it, please visit website to find out more about about our scholarships and bursaries.

Student Destinations

There is a growing demand for novel modes of translation and multilingual language services that our MA Translation students are specifically prepared for.

The course’s work placement dissertation option enables you to gain professional experience and nurture a close relationship with a prospective employer. We are regularly contacted by stakeholders from the language services industry wishing to recruit Surrey MA Translation students and recent graduates.

Job opportunities include:

  • Working as in-house and freelance translators
  • Multilingual content writers
  • Language-services managers
  • Localisation specialists
  • Terminology specialists
  • Transcreation specialists
  • Language and translation tutors.

Module Details

The course has five compulsory modules, and you must select another three optional modules. The compulsory modules are:

  • Translation Analysis I (English-Chinese)
  • Translation Analysis II (Chinese-English)
  • Translation Workshop I (English-Chinese)
  • Translation Workshop II (Chinese-English)
  • Principles and Challenges of Translation and Interpreting

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