
Regional Studies Association

Regional Studies Association Sussex Innovation Centre, Brighton BN1 9SB, UK


University Information

The Regional Studies Association works with its international and interdisciplinary membership to facilitate the highest standards of theoretical development, empirical analysis and policy debate of issues at this sub-national scale, incorporating both the urban and rural and different conceptions of space such as city-regions and interstitial spaces. We are, for example, interested in issues of economic development and growth, conceptions of territory and its governance and in thorny problems of equity and injustice.

We are offering a range of funding opportunities to suit different career stages. In offering these grant schemes, we are seeking to raise the profile of regional research and its contribution. These opportunities provide members with the chance to apply for financial help to support their work, run networking events, receive awards for excellence, help towards the costs of travel to attend non-RSA events, and present their work to international audiences. as an Early Career, we would recommend to consider to apply for our Early Career grant and Policy Expo.

Within these unprecedented times, the Regional Studies Association (RSA) is committed to supporting the global community and the research in regional studies and its related fields, including urban and rural studies, city-regions and interstitial spaces.

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