
MbyRes Ecology, Evolution And Behaviour

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MbyRes 1 year (full time)

    2 years (part time)

Masters Degree Description

The ecology, evolution and behaviour of organisms are key elements of the natural world we see around us. Improving our knowledge of these topics is important in mitigating the impacts of environmental change, improving food and water security, increasing animal welfare and explaining the diversity of life we see across the globe.

This research master’s gives you the opportunity to develop your understanding of the natural world by undertaking an independent research project in a topic within ecology, evolution or behaviour.

Entry Requirements

You should usually hold a second-class honours degree (certain programmes may require a 2:1) from a recognised British or overseas university. Advice on recognition can be obtained from the Admissions Office. Non-graduates with appropriate professional qualifications will be considered on an individual basis by Programme Conveners; contact details can be found on the individual programme page. Applicants will be expected to apply and register for the full master’s award. Those with a third-class honours degree are encouraged to complete an application as we will consider an applicant’s wider circumstances in making a decision on an application. Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions.

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Student Destinations

This course provides students with preparation for a wide range of future careers. These include careers in further research (e.g. PhDs), conservation projects and organisations, animal welfare groups and environmental charities. It also provides students with research skills that will be valuable in a range of careers in the public and private sectors.

Module Details

See our website for modules

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