  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc Full-time and Part-time

Masters Degree Description

Edinburgh is a major centre for investment management with a long and proud history. The MSc in Investment Management provides key investment knowledge with a specific industry focus. A unique feature of the programme is the Current Topics in Investment Management course, where senior investment practitioners give weekly guest lectures, providing insight into the investment industry and allowing students to gain a real-life perspective on the knowledge and theories they are studying.

Discussion of academic theories and their limitations is combined with an emphasis on practical application. Staff teaching on the programme are at the forefront of research and practice in finance and investment management and most are also members of the Centre for Finance & Investment (CFI) which brings Heriot-Watt academics with an interest in finance and investment together with senior practitioners from the local financial community.

Entry Requirements

A good Honours degree (first or second class), or its non-UK equivalent, in a relevant subject from a recognised British or overseas university.

No investment management experience is required but some prior knowledge of finance and/or accounting would be an advantage.

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Module Details

Semester 1 (Sept – Dec)

  • Captial Markets
  • Portfolio Management
One from:
•Corporate Finance *
•Corporate Governance
One from:
•Financial Analysis
•International Accounting Standards *
Semester 2 (Jan – April)
  • Current Topics in Investment Management
  • Research Methods
Two from:
•Comparative Financial Reporting *
•Derivatives *
•Emerging Financial Markets
•Research in Finance

Over the summer months students undertake a dissertation.

* Students who intend to sit the CFA examinations are advised to study Corporate Finance, International Accounting Standards, Comparative Financial Reporting, and Derivatives as their optional courses.

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