
MA Mindfulness-based Approaches

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 3 – 5 years

Course Description

This Masters will enable you to study mindfulness-based approaches without training to become a mindfulness teacher

This route takes three years to complete

This route is eligible for Postgraduate Loan funding

There are three compulsory modules (Foundation, Research and Thesis) and you can choose any other two modules.

We welcome applications from international students. Please note that this course is part-time and so will not enable students to get a student visa to the UK. International students who apply will have to independently arrange visas to allow them to attend the teaching days over a 3-5 year period.

Entry Requirements

A good undergraduate or postgraduate degree (usually at a minimum 2:ii standard). Equivalent professional and practical experience in life and work can also be considered.

Have completed a teacher-led 8-week mindfulness course (Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy or Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction), taught to a group over 8 weeks.

Frequent and regular meditation practice (normally on a daily basis) of mindfulness meditation, preferably as taught in MBSR and MBCT, for at least a year before starting the programme.

IT requirements: students must have a computer in good working order (with basic software such as Microsoft Office as a minimum), access to the Internet, and the IT skills required to use these systems.

We welcome applications from international students. Please note that this course is part-time and so will not enable students to get a student visa to the UK. International students who apply will have to independently arrange visas to allow them to attend the teaching days over a 3-5 year period.

Please see the prospectus for more details about our entry requirements.

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