
Matthew Cook, MBA graduate


Matthew CookMBA graduate, Matthew Cook, shares why studying part-time while working can be a really rewarding experience.

He is now Group Manager with the London Fire Brigades Strategy and Inclusion Department and says: “I love this role and this was directly influenced by my participation on the programme.”

Why did you study the Greenwich MBA?

“I looked into studying at Greenwich as I wanted to be able to relate the subject content to my professional sector, choosing the Public Sector endorsement option within the MBA. Every aspect of the programme was applied to my professional career and drew on my experience when completing assignments and my final dissertation was based on the fire service.”

How did you balance work and study life?

“Through a very supportive partner and a commitment from my work I was able to attend classes. Within my time at university I had three children so a very busy work life balance but on reflection a hugely rewarding one.”

What was your favourite social memory at the university?

“The MBA conference was a fantastic opportunity to showcase our learning and work as a team. I loved the diversity of the programme and the opportunity to meet other students at an international level. I have forged professional relationships that I anticipate will last a life time.”

Find out more about the MBA at the University of Greenwich

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