
MSc Advanced Nursing Practice

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Course Description

The MSc Advanced Nursing Practice programme is aimed at students who wish to develop a career as an advanced nurse practitioner. It is underpinned by the Advanced Nursing Practice Framework for Northern Ireland (DoH 2016). This co-produced programme has been designed to equip registered experienced nurses with the knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and competencies to make a meaningful contribution to patient care in a safe and professional manner.

Entry Requirements

Applicants must hold a degree [with at least 2:2 Honours standard for Master’s only programmes] or equivalent or demonstrate their ability to undertake the programme through the accreditation of prior experiential learning. Students undertaking this course will normally be commissioned by a Health and Social Care Trust, GP Federation, or similar organisation. Students will be working in a clinical area which will facilitate their achievement of the advanced nurse practitioner competencies. And

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