
MSc Advanced Technology for Financial Computing

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    1 year full time

Masters Degree Description

This new programme will provides you with a critical and practical appreciation of how data, computing and artificial intelligence technologies can be used and developed to deliver value in organisations with finance, risk and decision-making related digitalisation from both technology and business perspectives.

The move towards digital organisations offers great potential for small and large, public and private enterprises. The University is in the UK’s second largest financial centre after London and is leading cutting-edge, data-driven innovation to become the data capital of Europe.

This programme is taught by world class researchers and educators. It is based on full-time cross-disciplinary study and has strong links to existing centres of research excellence within three world-class academic Schools – the School of Informatics, Edinburgh Business School and the School of Mathematics.

Entry Requirements

Entry requirements for individual programmes vary, so please check the details for the specific programme you wish to apply for on our website. You will also need to meet the University’s language requirements.


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