  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MTh/MSc: 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

This programme is for students who wish to develop expertise in biblical studies, including those who want to prepare for a PhD. Its emphasis is on adding depth and breadth to expertise in biblical languages.

Finely-honed language skills are central to the programme’s engagement with the Bible, the world that produced it, and its later readers. It provides expert in-depth study of the Hebrew Bible and New Testament, the wider ancient Near East and Mediterranean World, and related extra-biblical literature including the Dead Sea Scrolls.

You will be taught by leading academics with research interests in the Hebrew Bible, New Testament, early Judaism and early Christianity.

Entry Requirements

A UK 2:1 honours degree with a mark of at least 65%, or its international equivalent, in theology/religious studies or a related field in which biblical studies features prominently.


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Programme Funding

Student Destinations

This programme is designed to provide a strong foundation for postgraduate research in the field or for employment in a range of areas requiring critical analysis and empathetic understanding.

Module Details

Compulsory courses

Compulsory courses comprise two biblical language/reading courses, in Greek or Hebrew/Aramaic, and two in research methods. Many scenarios for language study can be chosen in consultation with the Programme Director. Depending on your previous study of Hebrew and/or Greek, you will be placed in beginning, intermediate, or advanced courses in each as appropriate.

Option courses

You will choose three options. At least two must be from courses in biblical studies, of which the following are examples:

  • Selected Topics in Biblical Studies
  • New Testament Exegesis A
  • Hebrew Bible and Contemporary Issues
  • Science and Scripture

The options on offer change from year to year, so please consult the Programme Director for advice on what will be available. With the agreement of your Programme Director, you may also choose options from other taught masters programmes in the School or University, and from advanced undergraduate courses such as Historical Jesus or Jesus in Film.

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