
MSc Criminal Justice and Criminology

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    12 months full time.

Course Description

Delivered by academics from the Centre for Criminal Justice Studies in one of the leading law schools in the UK, the course will develop a critical awareness of social research methods and skills used to undertake real-world research on crime and criminal justice.

You’ll develop an in-depth understanding of the nature, purposes, dynamic processes and outcomes of the criminal justice process. A wide range of optional modules will allow you to tailor your degree to your own particular interests.

Throughout the course, we’ll encourage you to:

  • explore the complex and dynamic nature of the criminal justice process
  • investigate contemporary policy debates and theoretical perspectives on crime and its control
  • develop advanced knowledge of the research process and skills to undertake research on crime and criminal justice.

Entry Requirements

A bachelor degree with a 2:1 (hons) in law, criminal justice, criminology or a related subject.

Visit our website for full entry requirements, including the alternative qualifications we accept.

Find out more


Please see our website for fees information.

Programme Funding

Please see our website for funding opportunities

Student Destinations

This course is suited for students wishing to pursue a career in public service, the private sector, the voluntary sector or any other area where success is built upon the ability to understand, analyse and respond to developments in criminal justice.

Recent graduates have gone on to work in a range of sectors and professions including academia, security and mental health in the UK and overseas.

Alumni hold senior positions in criminal justice organisations including police and probation services, the prison service, youth justice services, as well as in the private and voluntary sector, both in the UK and abroad. Others have been awarded promotions following successful completion of the course.

Module Details

Please see our website for module information.

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