
MA Furniture Design

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA: 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Course Description

This research-led and practice-based MA addresses the needs of graduates from furniture and related discipline backgrounds, or those who wish to collaborate with professionals in the field. Our Furniture Design MA is one of several postgraduate design courses that co-exist at the Cass, offering rich opportunities for the collaborative and multidisciplinary approach that is a feature of the current and future design sector, and a requirement for success in the field.

The course is grounded in the understanding that design is a key driver for change in society and the environment. However, traditional roles in design are increasingly blurred and designers need to be able to negotiate complex and ambiguous problems. The challenges and opportunities for designers are being constantly reimagined, as the unpredictability of the future tests our capacity to adapt, invent and apply creative design solutions to emerging needs. Graduates of this course will design furniture products and systems that have not yet been conceptualised.

Entry Requirements

A first class or strong upper second class degree, or equivalent, in a related subject.

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Student Destinations

The creative industry in the UK is huge and about half of all those involved in the design sector work in London. Located in the creative hub of the East End, The Cass offers excellent opportunities for students and professionals to showcase cutting-edge design within related industries and venues. Through work placement and live projects, you will create design projects that are commercially and creatively relevant to global consumer markets.

Graduates of the course often aim to work as self-employed designers and consultants in the furniture sector, but may also work for design consultancies in London, across the UK and overseas. Graduates may work as in-house designers for manufacturing companies both large and small, including for contract furniture companies and other businesses that require design input such as exhibition and event companies, cultural institutions, interior design practices. Others gain employment as independent design consultants, working as suppliers of design expertise to a variety of businesses or continue within design research. Graduates also have career paths open in design research, design journalism, cultural institutions, education and marketing.

Module Details

Year 1 modules include:

Design Project Development (core, 40 credits)
Design Research for Practice (core, 40 credits)
Project as Professional Practice: Furniture Design (core, 60 credits)
Democratising Luxury (alternative core, 20 credits)
Design for Change (alternative core, 20 credits)
Interior Contexts (alternative core, 20 credits)
Material Thought (alternative core, 20 credits)

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