
MA Photography

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA: 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Course Description

The MA Photography prepares students for the increasingly complex and expanding field of photographic practice. It addresses the challenges faced by professional photographers, providing a supportive and interactive space for experimentation and development.

In the contemporary context of the medium, the terms  ‘Photography’ and ‘Photographer’ are in a state of flux, due to ongoing developments in technology, business and professional practices, and the differing values placed on these constituent parts. The impact of Artificial Intelligence and Computer-Generated Images (CGI) that appropriate and aggregate individual images devoid of authorial provenance are ever-present challenges.

Students will be introduced to new ways of thinking about the medium, with the role of the photographer viewed as ‘content creator’ and the photograph ever more becoming seen as ‘asset’. Alongside this, the influence of social media and the proliferation of images created through mobile phones has provided a critically challenging space in which to re-evaluate the role and purpose of the image and its author.

Entry Requirements

To gain a place on this MA Photography course, you’ll have to submit a personal statement (up to 500 words) and meet our entry requirements when you apply.

Applicants will be graduates of a photography or photography-related subject at undergraduate level. Applicants may have previous experience from arts or media backgrounds, including industry or commercial.

For some applicants, you’ll be asked to provide us with a portfolio of work and potentially take part in an informal group seminar discussion or interview– either live or on camera – to demonstrate your skills.

Once you’ve made your application to study with us, we’ll contact you and let you know the next steps.


See our website for fees

Programme Funding

Please visit our website to find out about available funding –

Student Destinations

Graduates from this programme will develop an approach to their field that is both sustainable economically and environmentally.

They may return to their specific areas of practice with new products for the market or new and innovative ways to engage with existing clients or audiences.

There will be options to develop aspects that emerge from the experimentation undertaken on the course to PhD level study.

Module Details

The programme will consider the business of photographic practice as much as its artistry and aesthetics. The emphasis will be very much upon the vocational aspects of the industry, whether the student views themselves as an artist, fashion photographer, stylist, or documentarist the programme aims to emphasise the role of project management and high-quality outputs to an audience or client.

Please see our website for current modules,

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