  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

We offer research supervision across a broad range of social policy topics and themes. The study of welfare arrangements is a fundamental part of what we do.

Welfare states, and other institutions seeking to meet human need, everywhere face enormous challenges from population ageing, changes in family life and work-patterns, migration and the economic crisis. In a globalised and interdependent world, these issues can only be understood from an international perspective which accounts for these common pressures and processes, but which also recognises and engages with the diversity of national traditions and institutions for delivering welfare.

We are especially interested in postgraduate research proposals to investigate these challenges and issues, please refer to individual staff members’ web pages to identify your chosen specialism.

Entry Requirements

A good honours degree in the social sciences, an interest in the chosen topic area and a clear idea of your proposed thesis topic. In the case of research in health services and personal social services, we will also consider candidates with professional qualifications alone and/or relevant experience in the health service.

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Programme Funding

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Student Destinations

Building on Kent’s success as the region’s leading institution for student employability, we place considerable emphasis on you gaining specialist knowledge in your chosen subject alongside core transferable skills. We ensure that you develop the skills and competences that employers are looking for including: research and analysis; policy development and interpretation; independent thought; writing and presentation, as well as time management and leadership skills. You also become fully involved in the professional research culture of the School.

A postgraduate degree in the area of social and public policy is a particularly flexible and valuable qualification that can lead to many exciting opportunities and professions. Recent graduates have pursued careers in academia, journalism, local and central government, charities and NGOs.

Module Details

For module information please see here

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