
PGCert Architecture: Professional Practice in Architecture (RIBA 3)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    PGCert: Part-time

Masters Degree Description

The course is designed to ensure high standards in the professional practice of architecture and to give you the opportunity to extend your area of competence. It focuses on the design process but tempers this concern with the knowledge and experience needed for ideas to become reality in a way that is ethical, economical, efficient and legal.

Students are recruited from a wide range of design professions in the construction industry. The teaching will examine critical events in your own work experience, that of other course members and of the profession at large. The course will also encourage you to feel confident with higher levels of professional responsibility. Our students have had considerable successes in the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) President’s medals.

Entry Requirements

You will be required to have:

  • RIBA Part 1 and Part 2 exemption by examination at a recognised UK or Eire school, or obtained RIBA or ARB Part 1 and Part 2 exemption by interview.
  • documentary evidence of practical experience to conform with the RIBA Practical Training Scheme – 24 months of experience in total is required to sit the part 3 examination, of which 12 months minimum should be undertaken in the EEA, Channel Islands or the Isle of Man under the direct supervision of an architect. Further guidance is available on the RIBA website

Applicants who have completed their qualifications outside of the UK or Eire should contact the ARB to obtain confirmation of their eligibility to take the Part 3 Exam.

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For fee details please see here

Module Details

  • RIBA 3 (core, 60 credits)

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