
MRes Biomedical Science – Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    One year, full-time

Masters Degree Description

Biomedical scientists work at the cutting edge of research and medicine, helping to solve some of the most threatening diseases and conditions facing mankind. According to the NHS, one in two people will develop some form of cancer during their lifetime, so research is vital not only to improve future treatments, but also identify genetic, environmental, and behavioural risk factors which may prevent it. Between 2015 and 2017, there were over 367,000 new cases of cancer in the UK alone and, according to Cancer Research UK, 38% of cases were preventable.

This MRes in Biomedical Science (Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer) focuses on research to examine DNA damage and gene mutations to help us better understand what causes cancer and how it develops. This specialist pathway prepares you to conduct pioneering research into the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer. You will study clinical and pathological aspects of cancer, and the molecular mechanisms that establish and promote cancer, as well as exploring some of the current treatments used and how research translates into novel treatments.

Entry Requirements

To be considered for this course, you will need to:

  • meet the entry criteria
  • write a personal statement
  • provide two suitable references.


For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more.

Student Destinations

The course provides excellent preparation for PhD study, which around a fifth of our students complete here at St George’s or elsewhere, and this can lead to a research career within academia or pharmaceutical industry.

Alternatively, on completion, you could pursue a career in the biomedical and medical sector in roles where some research background is required but not necessarily at PhD level. This may include job opportunities as research support staff, technicians, medical laboratory assistants, specialist services provision, equipment operators and laboratory management.

Module Details

Core modules

  • Research methods (15 credits)
  • Statistics (15 credits)
  • Research project planning and management (15 credits)
  • Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer (30 credits)
  • Research project (105 credits)

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