  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

Conduct cutting-edge research and gain expertise in a wide variety of areas within Materials for Energy and Electronics and Supramolecular Interfacial and Synthetic Chemistry.

We make every attempt to allocate you to a supervisor directly in your field of interest, consistent with available funding and staff loading. When you apply, please give specific indications of your research interest – including, where appropriate, the member(s) of staff you wish to work with – and whether you are applying for a studentship or propose to be self-funded.

Entry Requirements

A second class honours degree or higher in Physics or Chemistry.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more.

Programme Funding

Please visit website to search our scholarships finder for possible funding opportunities.

Student Destinations

All of our Chemistry programmes equip you with the tools you need to conduct research, solve problems, communicate effectively and transfer skills to the workplace, which means our graduates are always in high demand. Our links with industry not only provide you with the opportunity to gain work experience during your degree, but also equip you with the general and specialist skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the workplace.

Typical employment destinations for graduates from the physics programmes include power companies, aerospace, defence, optoelectronics and medical industries. Typical employment destinations for graduates from our forensic science and chemistry programmes include government agencies, consultancies, emergency services, laboratories, research or academia.

Module Details

For module information please see here

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