  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MDes: 12 months full-time, 24 months part-time

Masters Degree Description

Please note that the content of this programme is currently under revision, and an updated programme specification will be added to the website shortly.

The MDes in Fashion and Textiles at the Glasgow School of Art is an advanced skills postgraduate programme designed to meet the ambitions of motivated Fashion and Textile Graduates who wish to extend, develop and hone their individual ‘design signature’.

Entry Requirements

Applicants should normally have a good first degree in a relevant subject area, or equivalent industrial or professional experience.

Applicants are required to submit:

  • Completed application form
  • Statement of Intent (approx 500 words)
  • Submission of a portfolio of work consisting of 10 loose A4 colour copies of their design work*. Each sheet should be clearly labelled with the applicant’s name.
  • The colour copies should include evidence of ability and: Personal Research; Drawing; Colour Work; Design Work (paper and fabric); Technical skills in either Print, Weave, Knit, Embroidery, Decoration or Cut, Shape and Construction; Fashion potential and awareness

Applicants may submit their portfolio on CD/DVD however, a paper submission is preferred. In the instance of submitting a digital portfolio, images should be 300dpi

*Submitted portfolios will not be returned.

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Scotland/EU/UK: £5,760. International: £13,534

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