  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    12 months full-time, 27 months part-time

Masters Degree Description

This MA in History will be of interest to both recent graduates and those wishing to return to study in higher education.

This course offers postgraduates the opportunity to engage with various periods of early modern and modern history. Working alongside leading academics students are encouraged to engage with subject areas of their choice.

Why do a MA in History? It builds on the skills of thinking, evaluation and writing that we stress at undergraduate level. Additionally, it will deepen the skills needed to analyse data and documentation and develop individual skills of writing, oral participation and presentation. Each graduate is monitored by a supervisor who offers professional advice and guidance.

This programme seeks to explore these issues by focusing on selected themes spanning the early modern period through to the late twentieth century, while providing you with an opportunity to study and reflect on related themes concerning globalization and politics.

Entry Requirements

Normally a First Class or Upper Second Class Honours Degree in any relevant discipline.

Applications from students who do not hold a 1st or 2:1 Honours Degree (or equivalent) may be asked to demonstrate potential to achieve a Masters award via a sample of academic writing and interview before an offer is made.

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Please see our website for fee information

Student Destinations

The qualification of an MA in History will allow you to enhance your personal interests, career specific opportunities and show potential for promotion to senior leadership.

The programme also assists personal development through an emphasis on personal responsibility, reflection and evaluation. In addition, you will develop transferable skills such as self-motivation, lateral thinking and key research and professional practice skills.
Graduates are likely to pursue careers in education and the University sector; community organisations, international organisations (UN and associated agencies), international business, diplomatic service, and the armed services.

Many schools now expect teachers to have studied to Masters level, especially if they apply for promotion. This course will also help teachers enhance the quality of their teaching. Students completing the MA in History will also be well placed to go on to a doctorate (PhD) at Liverpool Hope.

Module Details

Postgraduate students will study a core ‘Engaging History’ module (30 credits), an ‘Seminar Series’ module (15 credits), an ‘Object of History’ module (15 credits) and additional modules of 60 credits, all of which are 15 credits each. On successful completion they will progress to the MA dissertation on an area of the students’ choice (60 credits). Total credits 180.

Additional Modules (selective)
The Court of Charles I
Elizabethan Conquest of Ireland
Banditry, Bohemia and Revolt 1871-1939
Great hatred, little room – Modern Ireland, 1789-2009
Nationalism in Modern Europe
Public engagement – Inclusion, education and campaigns for social change
American Foreign Relations
Britain in Global Politics
Britain’s Experience of Empire

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