
MSc PG Dip PG Cert Humanitarian Practice

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    Up to 5 years part-time – MSc part-time distance learning, PG Dip and PG Cert full-time, part-time distance learning

Masters Degree Description

Our blended learning MSc in Humanitarian Practice is part of the Leadership Education Academic Partnership (LEAP) programme.

A flexible course designed by humanitarians, for humanitarians, it allows professionals to study alongside working in the field.

The programme is delivered jointly by the Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute (HCRI) at The University of Manchester and the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM) in partnership with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).

The course brings together the disciplines of epidemiology, history, politics, anthropology, development studies, international relations, public health, management and humanitarian medicine, as well as the expertise of academics and leading practitioners.

Crossing traditional subject boundaries, it will enable you to reflect critically on issues arising from your own work, the wider humanitarian agenda and develop the skills set needed for contemporary humanitarian practitioners.

Entry Requirements

Applicants should hold an Upper Second Class Honours degree, or its overseas equivalent. Consideration may be given to those without this who have extensive (over three years) professional humanitarian training and experience.


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Student Destinations

The University has its own dedicated  Careers Service  that you would have full access to as a student and for two years after you graduate. At Manchester you will have access to a number of  opportunities to help boost your employability .

Module Details

History of Humanitarian Aid HCRI60080 15 Mandatory
Dissertation (MSc Global Health) HCRI70000 60 Mandatory
Critical Approaches to Evidence HCRI70010 15 Mandatory
Research Into Practice HCRI70030 15 Mandatory
Critical Approaches to Management of Humanitarian Operations HCRI70040 15 Mandatory
Emergency Humanitarian Assistance (blended) HCRI71060 15 Optional

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