  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 3 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

The course is designed to provide learners with the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills in sign language interpreting or translation (SLT/I) within several domains to enhance employability. The qualification with develop theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and performance in interpreting and will be relevant for interpreters who work as sign language interpreters or translators and have English or British Sign Language as one of their working languages.

The course is intellectually stimulating and upon completion learners will have the skills, knowledge and understanding to apply theoretical frameworks to real world interpreting and translation situations, support co-interpreters/translators and engage in complex SLT/I work in the medical, legal and conference domains.

Entry Requirements

The entry requirements for the MA Interpreting would include:- 

  • A first or second class (2:2 or above) Undergraduate Honours Degree from a UK university or overseas equivalent, or a professional qualification and/or experience considered to be equivalent to the above;
  • A reference from a tutor who has supervised the applicant’s undergraduate studies and/or employer;
  • NVQ level 6/C1 fluency in BSL.
  • And/or NVQ level 6/C1 fluency in English.

Students may apply for recognition of prior learning (RPL) subject to the guidelines set out in the RPL Handbook. RPL includes accreditation of prior certificated learning and /or accreditation of prior experiential learning. 

Applications are also welcome from individuals who do not possess the above qualifications but who have significant interpreting or translation experience and are able to demonstrate previous non-certificated learning equivalent to the above.  In such cases, admission to the programme will be based on an evaluation of the applicant’s ability to continue to benefit from and achieve the award. Applicants may be required to attend an interview. 

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