
Online Master of Leadership for Development

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    24 months part-time online

Course Description

Create change through collaboration

Learn to lead with confidence and tackle contemporary development challenges, working in partnership to find sustainable solutions.

This fully-online master’s, delivered jointly with the University of Melbourne, focuses on the practical skills, global connections and collaborative outlook needed to make a real difference in the development world.

Learn on the job – Combine your studies with your work and start implementing change from day one.

Build a global network – Learn from development colleagues in different settings across the world.

Practise new skills – Use state-of-the-art simulations to experience and practise real-world scenarios.

Entry Requirements

A bachelor degree with honours (minimum Upper Second (2:1) or international equivalent) and at least two years of documented, relevant work experience; or a H2B (70%) or equivalent at The University of Melbourne

In order to be considered for entry, you must have completed:

  • An honours degree in a cognate discipline (e.g. social sciences including anthropology; sociology; public policy; social policy; political science; media and communication; journalism; economics; management; population and global health; education; engineering; or architecture and public planning), or equivalent and at least two years of documented, relevant professional work experience, or
  • an undergraduate degree in a cognate discipline (e.g. social sciences including anthropology; sociology; public policy; social policy; political science; media and communication; journalism; economics; management; population and global health; education; engineering; or architecture and public planning), or equivalent, and at least two years of documented, relevant professional work experience, or
  • a minimum of eight years documented, relevant professional work experience. Candidates entering through this route will be registered for the master’s certificate under a probation arrangement. Failure to pass all master’s certificate course units in the first year of study will disallow registration for a higher-level qualification.

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This course is a joint master’s with The University of Melbourne and The University of Manchester. The full course fee for February 2022 intake is $28,164 AUD .

The University of Melbourne is managing the admissions process. You will be expected to pay for each taught subject/unit ($3,520) as the unit starts at the beginning of each study period. This will take place in March, May, July and October of each year you study with us.

Student Destinations

If you want to reposition yourself as a leader in development, but don’t want to take time out from your important work to study, this fully-online master’s course will support you to learn on the job.

If you work in or alongside the global development sector – as a manager, planner, policy maker, consultant, educator, entrepreneur, researcher, or community advocate – transform your career with us and change the world for the better.

Module Details

Contemporary Development
Contemporary Leadership
Leading Development
Organisation Development and Change
International Management and Leadership
Leadership Skills in Action

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