
MSc PGDip PGCert Paediatrics and Child Health

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc/PGDip/PGCert 1 year full-time, 3 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

The programme has been designed to be applicable to students with a wide range of background skills in paediatrics and child health who require a detailed understanding of core research methodologies, critical evaluation, evidence-based approaches and the scientific basis of childhood disease.

A key feature is its multi-professional nature, which is considered essential for professional practice in paediatrics and child health. The uniqueness of this course is its emphasis not only on the clinical aspects of paediatric care but also on the provision of such care, which will be embedded within the clinical modules.

There is also the opportunity to plan and execute a rigorous research project in an area of paediatrics and child health or related suspeciality (ie neonatology).

Entry Requirements

Applicants should have a degree in medicine or any of the allied health professions (such as nursing, dietetics, physiotherapy, occupational therapy). Applicants should be working in Paediatrics and Child Health and/or interested in pursuing a career in this specialty.

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Student Destinations

This course is intended to provide advanced expert education for professionals working in paediatrics and child health.

The course content has been carefully designed to train students to be high achieving consultants and clinical leaders of the future by providing a blend of clinical knowledge with learning in the three key professional domains of research, leadership and communication and learning, along with the development of research and publishing skills.

Module Details


  • Acute & Emergency Paediatrics (20 credits)
  • Management of Long Term Conditions in Children (20 credits)
  • Developmental Paediatrics (20 credits) 


PGCert modules PLUS

  • Research Methods and Critical Appraisal (20 credits)
  • Leadership and Change Management in Clinical Services (20 credits)
  • Communication, Learning and Teaching in Health and Social Care (20 credits)


PGDip modules PLUS

  • Dissertation (60 credits)

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