
MSc Satellite Systems Engineering

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc: 1 year full-time

Masters Degree Description

The University of Bradford is offering an exciting opportunity to those who want to pursue their career in the space/satellite sector.

This programme is unique in covering not only the three pillars of space/satellite systems: communications, earth observation and navigation, but also artificial intelligence (AI) and distributed systems, which are keys to the future satellite systems.

You will benefit from being taught by a team of world renowned technical experts in space/satellite engineering and state-of-the-art space laboratory facilities.

You’ll gain theoretical knowledge and have hands-on experience in constructing a cubesat/pocket cube. You’ll also develop software modules for the Telemetry, Tracking and Command (TTC) system, which are key components of a space system, either as a part of the taught modules or as an MSc project. You’ll be supported by state-of-the-art space lab facilities, including a cleanroom for the construction of the cubesat/pocket cube and a small scale TTC control centre.

Entry Requirements

2:2 or above in electrical and electronics engineering, telecommunications engineering, computer science, physics, or mathematics, from an approved degree awarding body.

Candidates who do not fulfil the normal entry requirements but have extensive industrial experience in a related area, for example: communications and RF engineers, satellite engineers, computer scientists/software programmers, physicists, will be considered on an individual basis.

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Please see our website for fee information

Programme Funding

Every year we award numerous non-repayable scholarships to UK, EU and international students on the basis of academic excellence, personal circumstances or economic hardship. For full details, visit our scholarships section.

A total of 10 scholarships worth £10,000 each will be awarded to suitably qualified students.

For home students, fees will be covered with any leftover funds being paid directly to the student.

For international students, the £10,000 will go directly towards the cost of tuition.

Student Destinations

You will benefit from a suite of digital teaching and collaborative platforms supported by the University including CANVAS, Horizon, and Teams. You will be taught by a team of top industrial experts, who have ample experience in space engineering.

You will be assigned a personal tutor – a member of the teaching staff, to help maximise your success and sense of belonging among the academic community at Bradford. Personal tutors will provide academic guidance, support your professional and personal development, provide initial advice, and signpost to career guidance and other services offered by the Faculty and University.

Graduates of this course will be able to pursue a range of job roles and career paths, including:

  • Satellite Systems Technician
  • Satellite Systems Engineer in communications, earth observation and/or navigation
  • Systems Analyst
  • Telecommunications Engineer
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technologist
  • Researcher

Module Details

The provisional course structure features the following modules:

  • Space Dynamics and System Design
  • Satellite Communications Systems
  • Satellite Navigation Systems
  • Satellite Earth Observations Systems
  • Ground Satellite Systems
  • AI and Distributed Computing for Satellite Systems
  • MSc Project

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