  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 1 year, full-time

Masters Degree Description

This degree is designed to equip graduate engineers with the necessary specialist knowledge, skills and experience to effectively work in and, ultimately, lead interdisciplinary teams on the design of complex, high value engineering systems, used in extreme environments.

In Semester 1, you will be introduced to the architecture of spacecraft, while developing your understanding of core propulsion systems and the space environment. You will also develop specialist design skills using space industry standard software, while undertaking professional development activities including leadership and ethics case studies.

Semester 2 covers further elements of spacecraft design and manufacture, including advanced materials, control systems and on-board communication hardware. You will also study how spacecraft systems are integrated and packaged.

You will undertake a group project, selected by the academic team. This will typically relate to a real world project at Space Park Leicester, such as the development of a small satellite, spacecraft or planetary exploration mission of which the University of Leicester is a partner.

Entry Requirements

2.1 Honours degree (or equivalent) in a relevant Engineering subject. 2.2 Honours Degree (or equivalent) and other science discipline subjects considered on a case-by-case basis.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more.

Programme Funding

There are a number of possible sources of funding: loans and grants, bursaries and scholarships.

Student Destinations

The MSc in Spacecraft Engineering will provide you with the training and high-level skills required to meet the needs of the European or international space sector, whether in academia or industry.

By working in collaboration with industry, we can ensure that the project work and course content remains topical and relevant to industry needs and practices as the sector develops.

The skills you will develop in the project phase are excellent preparation for life in the workplace. Your knowledge and understanding of the pressures of industry-level projects will be greatly enhanced, and you will perfect the interpersonal skills required to work as part of a successful cross-disciplinary team.

Alternatively, this course offers a solid foundation for further study if you want to take a PhD or pursue a research career in applied/experimental physics or engineering.

Module Details

  • Engineering Design Case Study
  • Spacecraft Systems Engineering
  • Advanced Composite Materials
  • Attitude and Orbit Control Systems
  • Spacecraft Communications
  • Spaceflight Dynamics and Propulsion
  • Space and Planetary Environment, Planetary Surfaces
  • Advanced Spacecraft Engineering
  • Plus your Group Spacecraft Engineering Project

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