
PgCert Specialist Practice In District Nursing

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    Full Time: 44 weeks.

Masters Degree Description

District nursing is a core service within the NHS. The Five Year Forward View (NHS England 2015) sets out an expectation that more care will be provided in the community in the future. This care will be for people with increasingly complex needs and the people working in these health and social care structures will have to be more flexible to accommodate this.

The district nurse must respond to these challenges and the Queen’s Nursing Institute/Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland (QNI/QNIS) Voluntary Standards for District Nurse Education and Practice (2015) provide a strong framework for district nurses in the current NHS as well as the skills and knowledge base needed to respond to the dynamic nature of community nursing.

On successful completion you achieve the new QNI/QNIS Voluntary Standards for District Nurse Education and Practice as well as the standards set by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) for the Specialist Practice in Nursing in the Home/District Nursing professional qualification which is recorded on the NMC register. This qualification has integrated within it the Community Practitioner Prescribing (V100) qualification (NMC 2006), enabling you to prescribe from the community practitioner’s formulary. You will also have demonstrated skills at Level 3 of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines in brief interventions which is a requirement for a district nurse as set out in the Health Education England’s District Nursing and General Practice Education and Career Framework (2015). This programme has been designed in consultation with local employers, professional standards bodies, students (past and present), service users and carers, and district nurse educators from across the country. This has led to a course which is challenging, contemporary, inspiring and enjoyable.

Entry Requirements

You will hold a first degree (including 120 credits at Level 6), have an NMC-valid registration as a registered adult nurse, be successful at interview where value-based recruitment is embedded and subject to gaining support from an employing organisation who is responsible for the following essential elements: enabling access to the appropriate learning opportunities – normally you will have supernumerary status throughout the learning programme providing a nominated sign-off mentor or practice teacher who contributes to the teaching and assessment process, is a practising community prescriber and provides you with practice learning opportunities completing a satisfactory work-based risk assessment ensuring you have a satisfactory DBS which was issued within three years of the proposed completion date of your programme and, as the employer, has a policy which requires you to inform them as your employer immediately of any changes which may affect the status of your DBS record – any issues which may have implications for your progression on the programme must be communicated to the programme leader immediately.

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Student Destinations

When you successfully complete the programme, you are well prepared for the dynamic and inspiring world of community nursing as well as being in a strong position to apply for position as a district nurse and team leader.

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