
Meet Alice McGuigan – A student on our MA Drama and Movement Therapy course


Alice McGuigan is a MA Drama and Movement Therapy student who took the time to speak with us about what inspired her to study on the course, and what she hopes to get out of it.

What made you choose to study at Central?

I was drawn to study this course at Central because of the immersive and embodied focus of the Sesame Approach. The combination of movement, sound and touch are appealing because they draw together various types of expression that I have been introduced to through yoga and primal movement. This includes natural development, sensory awareness, self inquiry and symbolism. Through studying yoga I developed a natural curiosity for philosophy and psychology. The MA focuses on Jungian and developmental psychology, neither of which I have had the opportunity to formally study, so this was another aspect that appealed to me.

What have you enjoyed most about your course so far? 

I have really enjoyed the exploration of myth, stories and symbols in the classes. It’s been interesting to learn and experience these both individually and in groups. I have also enjoyed being able to communicate and express myself in non-verbal ways in the space. I am inspired by the theory that we are learning and looking forward to doing further research around some of these areas. Finally, creating an arts journal to process our experiences has been a valuable resource to find support, release and insight during this first term.

You’ve received a Scholarship to study on your course, what impact has this had on you and your studies?

The scholarship that I received has given me the opportunity to find a room in a flat within cycling distance of the university, meaning I can be more grounded in my environment and learning. Not only does this give me more space to focus on the MA, it also supports my personal health and wellbeing while studying so that I can live comfortably, with less stress and more security. This is especially important considering the nature of the course, which involves being in therapy for two years.

What would you say to those thinking of donating funds for Scholarships or Bursaries for Central’s students?

I cannot imagine having to work any more hours than I already do alongside this course to support myself financially. A donation of any amount has such a huge impact on the learning experience of a student. It means that they can make the most out of their studies, be more focused, and immerse themselves in the course and university life. It is transformational for those who receive the award and helps them to get the most of the course in a sustained way.

What do you hope to get out of your training?

The course provides a pathway to becoming a professional drama and movement therapist. It opens up a gateway into working for an organisation, (like a charity or the NHS), or independently. I would like this training to develop my facilitation skills and confidence in working with groups and those with specific needs. I also hope that it will provide a space to critically assess and reflect upon theories and processes within an academic framework and supportive community.

What advice do you have for those hoping to follow in your footsteps?

Tell your story! What led you to study at Central? Look back at all the steps that you took to get here and what has been motivating you along the way. How has your work impacted others and what inspired you to keep developing? Be honest about the obstacles that you are facing and share some specific details about the ways in which the donation could help you.


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