  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 12 or 20 months full-time with placement.

Masters Degree Description

Broaden your expertise through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques. In a world reliant on data to improve processes and monitor success, this course will help you gain transferable skills in AI to benefit your work place. It’s been designed in response to the high demand for experts in big data analysis and modelling. Choose to take an optional 12-week work placement as part of your course and boost your employability.

The combined effect of the big volume of data availability on a global scale and a significant increase in processing power offered by technologies like cloud computing has made it possible to unlock the true potential of machine learning algorithms, extract features from data, and to expand the application domain of artificial intelligence.

Entry Requirements

A first degree, with honours, at a minimum final classification of Lower Second (2.2), or equivalent, in a Computing, Electronics, Mathematics or Statistics subject.

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