
MA Education, Inclusion and Special Needs

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    1 year FT

    2 years PT

Masters Degree Description

This specialist education pathway seeks to investigate the complexities around the concept of inclusion. Study is focused on those who might experience marginalisation in society, particularly in educational contexts.

There is a strong emphasis on finding ways to develop inclusive curricula to meet the needs of all learners including for example, those defined as having special educational needs, travellers, those from challenging backgrounds and ethnic minorities.

MA in Education, Inclusion and Special Needs can be studied one year full-time, or two years part-time.

Entry Requirements

Applicants should hold a minimum of 2.2 Honours degree (or international equivalent). If your degree is not in a related subject area, we still welcome your application.

This degree is for anyone who is interested in Education in its widest sense; it will not qualify you to teach.


See our website for fees

Programme Funding

See our website for funding

Student Destinations

Our Masters students explore a range of current educational practice, looking at key issues and policy.

Graduates leave with reflective and practical skills and the knowledge they need to contribute to their chosen learning community.

Module Details

You may leave the programme after stage 1 with a Postgraduate Certificate in Education or after stage 2 with a Postgraduate Diploma in Education if you have earned sufficient credits.

Core modules

All modules are subject to availability and this list may change at any time.

Contemporary and Critical Perspectives in Education

Research Design and Implementation

Inclusive and Special Education: Debates, Theories and Implications for Practice


Choose one from

All modules are subject to availability and this list may change at any time.

International and Intercultural Perspectives on Education

Digital Technologies and Education: Key Issues and Challenges

Early Childhood Education: Curricular and Pedagogical Debates

Educational Leadership and Management

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