
MA Ethnographic and Documentary Film (Practical)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

This unique MA programme is based within a university but run by leading film practitioners, ensuring that you receive the highest-quality practice-based learning. You have your own camera equipment throughout and we provide editing facilities. The degree is taught in two studios –  either ‘Ethnographic and Documentary Film’ or ‘Documentary Fiction’. Documentary Fiction explores the boundaries of fiction and non-fiction, bringing elements of performance into documentary filmmaking.

About this degree

Students learn to tell stories in various documentary film modes; master the technical ‘craft’ skills needed to produce different kinds of documentary films of different lengths for varied audiences; critically view and review film material; draw on anthropological and social science approaches to documentary; think critically about the relationship between form and content in ethnographic and documentary practice.

Immersive Factual Storytelling is no longer a studio within Ethnographic and Documentary Film, but is now offered as a separate MA programme. If you would like to apply for the new Immersive Factual Storytelling MA programme, please follow this link.

Who this course is for

We are looking for students who want to challenge the documentary form and find innovative ways to tell important stories that resonate with global audiences. This degree is well-suited to students who have little or no experience in making films but also provides the opportunity for those with experience to deepen and broaden the range of their work.

Entry Requirements

Normally a minimum of an lower second-class Bachelor’s degree in a social science, arts, humanities or science discipline from a UK university or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard. Academically weaker applications will also be considered provided that they are supported by experience in visual arts or film making.

Applicants with prior technical knowledge of film making are asked to send a video portfolio of up to 20 minutes duration (use of a Vimeo link is recommended). Applicants without a video portfolio are asked to complete a photo essay.

Find out more


For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Student Destinations

The programme equips students for careers in:

  • mass media including cinematic, broadcast and web-based moving image
  • film and TV industry as camera operators, producers, directors, editors, researchers
  • academia – ethnographic research, visual media and culture
  • marketing and research
  • communication and other media
  • archives, as well as cultural heritage organisations
  • NGOs

Module Details

Compulsory modules

  • Documentary and Ethnographic Film Practice (Core Course)
  • Practical Film Project

Optional modules

  • The Story and I – Finding the Form: A Practical Exploration of Storytelling
  • Experimental cinema and new media: Form and narrative
  • Documentary Radio – A Practice-Based Introduction
  • An Introduction to Social Theory – a foundation course
  • History and Aesthetics of Documentary
  • Feature Writing in a multi-media world: journalistic skills for the digital age
  • Writing about International Affairs
  • Interactive Factual Narratives
  • Ethics and Editorial for Documentary
  • Developing Ideas for Non-Fiction Film and Audio

Sonic Experience Design and ProductionPlease note that the list of modules given here is indicative. This information is published a long time in advance of enrolment and module content and availability is subject to change.

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