Global Prosperity MSc takes you to the heart of how to think about prosperity, offering a new approach to understanding and influencing the economies of the world and how they impact on people. The degree challenges current economic and social models that have generated both astonishing levels of wealth as well as deep social and ecological dilemmas. Preparing you for a career as a global leader in policy, entrepreneurship, the third-sector, academia and beyond, you will examine possible solutions to contemporary global challenges and explore how much-needed economic, social and political transformations can be enacted to deliver sustainable prosperity.
Humanity is at a critical moment. Around the world livelihood security and human wellbeing are under threat from a series of intersecting challenges, from climate change to global pandemics, populist politics, toxic environments and declining social solidarity. Global Prosperity MSc is designed to foster a new generation of leaders ready to tackle these global challenges and rethink what global prosperity means and entails in different parts of the world.
A minimum of an upper second-class Bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a UK university or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard. Prospective students must demonstrate commitment to engage with complex global challenges across a range of disciplines. Applicants with significant work experience in government, business, civil society or social entrepreneurship and/or postgraduate training are strongly encouraged to apply.
For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more
UCL offers a range of financial awards aimed at assisting both prospective and current students with their studies.
The programme attracts a wide diversity of both established professionals and new graduates. We recruit from diverse backgrounds in the UK and across the globe. We expect our graduates to show self-initiative and a drive to make global change across the environment, policy, economics, business and the third sector. Graduates must be able to work in truly global, cross cultural and international teams. You will learn to think across and between traditional disciplines and to apply a range of qualitative and quantitative skills alongside broader strategic and design/prototyping thinking. Graduates will gain key transferable skills in teamwork, communication, digital capabilities with particular software, academic and popular writing, presentation, visual design, foundational quantitative methods, creativity, real world problem-solving and in the methods of building engaged and participatory initiatives. The IGP organises careers events with alumni throughout the year.
Compulsory modules
Optional modules
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