
Jade Vowles MA/PGDip Documentary Journalism


“I decided to do a postgraduate study following my undergraduate study in Broadcast Journalism. I realised, whilst I loved and learnt a lot about the broadcasting industry, the news world wasn’t for me. Instead, I wanted to hone those skills and put it into making long form journalism. I decided then to expand my knowledge and complete the MA in Documentary Journalism. I saw it as an opportunity to widen my experiences and make myself more employable upon leaving university.”

“The insight into the documentary world has been inspiring. I’ve got a really good idea of what the industry is like across an array of perspectives, which has been helped along by having real industry professionals joining us in university to answer questions and give an insider’s viewpoint.”

“The facilities available to journalism students is at industry standard. Having this available and being trained on such equipment means students can come straight out of university and be able to use the equipment and software that a lot of broadcasters have installed. The cameras available for documentary students are phenomenal. Being able to produce 4K footage is incredible and means that we can make really professional looking work.”

“I’d recommend this course because of the wide variety of skills it gives you, it doesn’t just teach you to be a journalist. It teaches you to be a filmmaker, it teaches you to be curious about people’s lives and the stories they tell. It teaches you incredible communication skills and confidence and to be compassionate and understanding. On another level you learn how the law works, you become much more aware of what is happening in the world around you. And then you are taught how to express this in the medium of sound or film and to do so as creatively as you choose. It’s an incredible industry to be a part of and I think the course encapsulates this.”

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